New Westminster City Council is having a Regular Meeting on May 3, 2021, and here’s what they’ll be looking at.
Submission to the Provincial Special Committee on the Reform of the Police Act
The Province is reforming the Police Act. The City of New Westminster set up a working group to do research into what sort of reforms the City would like to see. The working group has prepared a report and video that will be submitted to the Province.
There are obviously a lot of details into what the working group would like to see changed, and I would encourage everybody to read the report.
2021 Tax Rates Bylaw No. 8259, 2021
Taxes are going up!
823 – 841 Sixth Street: Affordable Housing Project – Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw and Zoning Amendment Bylaw for First and Second Readings
The Aboriginal Land Trust Society wants to build 96 homes for members of the Indigenous and Swahili communities in New Westminster. These homes would be in a six-storey building, be permanent rental, and be affordable.
If you want to read some truly terrible statements from members of our community who put greater value on their back yards potentially getting a sliver of shadow thrown on it once or twice a year than providing stable housing for people, you can find them in this week’s Council package. Here’s one especially terrible one:
This development cannot be allowed to go ahead. It should be built in an area which would benefit from the development, such as where there are already used car lots, abandoned houses, or other blights in New West. Please don’t put a slum in the only moderately affordable single family house neighbourhood in New West, where young professionals with kids have a chance to own a house.
This development would be the Strathcona tent city permanently dropped 2 blocks from my house. How can I continue to live here if this is allowed to be built. It invalidates all the hardwork and sweat equity I put into living here and will put my family in danger.
Council will approve First and Second Readings and this project will soon be moving to a Public Hearing.
1319 Third Avenue (Steel and Oak): Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment and Manufacturing Facility Structural Change Applications – Bylaw for First and Second Readings
This one came to Council on March 28, and now it’s time to make it slightly more official. Council will approve First and Second Readings and this project will soon be moving to a Public Hearing.
Grant Application: Local Government Development Approvals
City Staff will be applying for a grant for $480,000 to transition the City’s development application and review process to be substantially online.
208 Fifth Avenue: Heritage Revitalization Agreement Application Process Update – For Information
208 Fifth Avenue wants to subdivide into two lots, move the existing heritage house onto one of those lots, and then build a new house on the second lot.
Expect Queens Park residents to lose their minds because the owners here are asking for a little more house than they’re permitted to have.
Consumption of Liquor in Public Spaces – Designated Park Zones
New West Parks and Recreation has set up maps showing where liquor may be lawfully consumed after the bylaw allowing it has passed. Not yet, but soon!