Jaimie McEvoy answered my questions

Jaimie McEvoy is running for New Westminster Council, and he answered my questions!

Given the amount of press Vancouver’s Stanley Park received when it had a bunch of coyotes roaming around it, do you support introducing more coyotes into New Westminster’s parks, potentially entering a Tourism / Parks partnership for tourist-coyote meet-and-greet programs?

I’ve participated in the coyote education program at Stanley Park, and I do think that would be good to bring to New West.  Regarding introducing more coyotes, they seem to be quite prolific in that regard themselves, and don’t need my help.

Improving connections between Queensborough and mainland New Westminster is important. Will you commit to exploring new options such as draining the Fraser, installing catapults (free branding advice: name them “Qatapults”, you’re welcome), or advocating for a gondola like stupid Burnaby is getting?

Given that the Fraser Users Group would only be happy if our Queensborough connection was far up in the sky, I think a heliport is in order on both sides.  We could have a mini-copter for the small stuff, like getting your groceries or a cup of coffee to Queensborough.

Speaking of stupid Burnaby, one of the darkest chapters in New Westminster’s history was when south Burnaby claimed independence and separated from New Westminster. As a result, New West lost nearly half of its land area and tax base. To what lengths are you willing to go to in order to take our land back and bring New Westminster back to its former glory?

South Burnaby didn’t actually  separate from New Westminster.  There is often confusion between two historical areas, same-named but not the same:  New Westminster City and New Westminster District.  Kind of like the two North Vancouvers, but New Westminster was under provincial authority and never had an elected government.  But it was New Westminster’s finest land speculators, who, I believe in 1890, created Burnaby, to avoid having the city of New Westminster grow and begin property tax in that area.  In regard to your question, the Local Government Act and Community Charter do allow for parts of existing municipalities to claim independance, like White Rock separated from Surrey long ago.  It also allows for areas like neighbourhoods to initiate referenda to switch which municipality they belong to, so….  I believe a sufficiently mischievous crew with enough energy could, in fact, initiate a successful campaign to take any one of our suburbs.  It would only take a small number of us to move to Brownsville or Annacis Island.  Resistance would be futile.

By the way, New Westminster district never disappeared, it still exists, but only  as one of the districts of the Land Title Authority.

What is your favourite bubble tea shop and flavour?

I can’t drink bubble tea, I’m diabetic.  I used to drink it, and I like mango, rose, and jasmin in that order.

Do you support hosting a local version of Burning Man in New West, culminating in the burning of a derelict building?


I support the city getting a fire boat of its own or in conjuction with other muncipalities, and initiating a sprinkler program in older buildings.

What is your favourite neighbourhood and why is it (still) Brow of the Hill?

I lived in the Brow for most of the time in New West.  It had affordable rent (compared to other places), a great multicultural vibe, and shopping I could walk to.  My current neighbourhood of Ginger Drive is kind of like Brow of the Hill East.  Queens Park is surrounded.

With New Westminster’s hills, and winters having longer cold spells, what is your position on improving transportation options between Downtown and Uptown by installing rope towlines on 6th, 8th, and 10th Streets between Carnarvon and 4th Ave during the winter months?

In one of the Nordic countries, they have a simple lift, you just put your boots in it, and it takes you up the hill.  As it is, I’m still trying to get TransLink to put snow tires on the 106.

When will you bring metal to the Anvil Centre theatre?

I’m all in favor of metal at the Anvil Centre.  I once sprained my neck head banging and had to go to the doctor (I then had hair down to my waist.  Now it barely can cover my head).  The Anvil Centre would be a great place for something metal.

Thank you Jaimie!

And don’t forget to go out and vote!

Cheryl Sluis answered my questions!

Cheryl Sluis is running for New Westminster School Board, and she answered my questions!

With NWSS finally built and opened, what school do you see the province neglecting to tear down and replace for the next fifty years?

Neglect of schools by the province is a ghost that we will vanquish.  See below.

Council will soon be introducing coyotes to New West parks in what many are calling a misguided effort to boost tourism. Okay, it was all my idea, they’re not actually doing that. But if they do, what do you feel is the optimal coyote-student ratio for our school grounds?

New West Schools:  A coyote in every class!

With a 50% success rate on names for new schools built in the past few years (hits: Qayqayt, Skwo:wech; misses: Fraser River, New Westminster), what will you do to improve this rate?

Can’t joke about this one – meaningful engagement with Indigenous communities is a must.

One thing my daughter learned at a New Westminster school is that New West is one of the most haunted cities in Canada. I’ve asked this question before but that was an election and a half ago so I’m asking it again: who would be three people to join you as Ghostbusters?

I choose Nadine Nakagawa because she is fearless, Elliott Slinn because he can catch the ones up high, and Ruby Campbell because she knows EVERYBODY (including ghosts, no doubt)!

We all know that school space is at a premium, and buying new land for schools is expensive. Will you support the hostile takeover of City Hall to turn it into a new school? 

Let’s stick with Simcoe Park but use City Hall as the playground!

Thank you Cheryl!

And don’t forget to go out and vote!

Dee Beattie answered my questions!

Dee Beattie is running for New Westminster School Board, and she answered my questions!

With NWSS finally built and opened, what school do you see the province neglecting to tear down and replace for the next fifty years?

There are no more funds to ever replace schools, that ship has long sailed.

Council will soon be introducing coyotes to New West parks in what many are calling a misguided effort to boost tourism. Okay, it was all my idea, they’re not actually doing that. But if they do, what do you feel is the optimal coyote-student ratio for our school grounds?

We will get the Surrey School District to send buses to take all the Coyotes to Coyote Creek Elementary.

With a 50% success rate on names for new schools built in the past few years (hits: Qayqayt, Skwo:wech; misses: Fraser River, New Westminster), what will you do to improve this rate?

This is DPAC & PAC work, I would not want to step on their toes. 

One thing my daughter learned at a New Westminster school is that New West is one of the most haunted cities in Canada. I’ve asked this question before but that was an election and a half ago so I’m asking it again: who would be three people to join you as Ghostbusters?

For sure you Brad, as I hear you are good at archery. But really, why do we need to get rid of them?  We need acceptance and inclusion of everyone.

(Editor’s note: I’m not the archer in the family, my wife is!)

We all know that school space is at a premium, and buying new land for schools is expensive. Will you support the hostile takeover of City Hall to turn it into a new school? 

Thanks for the idea, and out of the box thinking, we could turn the parking lot of City Hall into a 3 story school and that would help the city in creating a no car policy for staff. It’s a win-win for both council and school board.

Thank you Dee!

And don’t forget to go out and vote!

Questions for New West School Trustee Candidates, 2022 Edition

I came up with a list of questions to ask New Westminster council and mayoral candidates for the 2022 municipal election, and Danielle Connelly asked:

And because this was a school assignment, I pushed it off and pushed it off and now here they are at the last possible minute!

  1. With NWSS finally built and opened, what school do you see the province neglecting to tear down and replace for the next fifty years?
  2. Council will soon be introducing coyotes to New West parks in what many are calling a misguided effort to boost tourism. Okay, it was all my idea, they’re not actually doing that. But if they do, what do you feel is the optimal coyote-student ratio for our school grounds?
  3. With a 50% success rate on names for new schools built in the past few years (hits: Qayqayt, Skwo:wech; misses: Fraser River, New Westminster), what will you do to improve this rate?
  4. One thing my daughter learned at a New Westminster school is that New West is one of the most haunted cities in Canada. I’ve asked this question before but that was an election and a half ago so I’m asking it again: who would be three people to join you as Ghostbusters?
  5. We all know that school space is at a premium, and buying new land for schools is expensive. Will you support the hostile takeover of City Hall to turn it into a new school? 

Stay tuned for the answers!

Patrick Johnstone answered my questions!

Patrick Johnstone is running for Mayor of New Westminster, and he answered my questions! He started with this preamble, which was nice to set the context:

Dear constituent. Thank you for your thoughtful questions, I have endeavoured to answer them in the spirit with which they were intended. 

Given the amount of press Vancouver’s Stanley Park received when it had a bunch of coyotes roaming around it, do you support introducing more coyotes into New Westminster’s parks, potentially entering a Tourism / Parks partnership for tourist-coyote meet-and-greet programs?

Hear me out: the Queens Park Arena has essentially the same capacity as the arena the Phoenix Coyotes are playing in this year…

Improving connections between Queensborough and mainland New Westminster is important. Will you commit to exploring new options such as draining the Fraser, installing catapults (free branding advice: name them “Qatapults”, you’re welcome), or advocating for a gondola like stupid Burnaby is getting?

One word: Tunnels.

Speaking of stupid Burnaby, one of the darkest chapters in New Westminster’s history was when south Burnaby claimed independence and separated from New Westminster. As a result, New West lost nearly half of its land area and tax base. To what lengths are you willing to go to in order to take our land back and bring New Westminster back to its former glory?

You think adding more Burnaby results in a net increase in glory?

What is your favourite bubble tea shop and flavour?

Do they make one with Geritol in it? Because that’s probably the one I need.

Do you support hosting a local version of Burning Man in New West, culminating in the burning of a derelict building?

I may have dabbled in Burning Man fandom in the past, but my opinions on deserts, exhibitionism and fire have evolved over time, and I have been very public about this. Please see my Blog at patrickjohnstone.ca 

What is your favourite neighbourhood and why is it (still) Brow of the Hill?

We got rocks.

With New Westminster’s hills, and winters having longer cold spells, what is your position on improving transportation options between Downtown and Uptown by installing rope towlines on 6th, 8th, and 10th Streets between Carnarvon and 4th Ave during the winter months?

Two words: Tunnels & Elevator.

When will you bring metal to the Anvil Centre theatre?

With Number of the Beast now 40 years old, and Double Nickels on the Dime almost the same age, I am already planning the Century House Metal & Punk Club. I thought Anvil at the Anvil would be a good launch event, but Lips isn’t returning my emails.  

Thank you Patrick!

And don’t forget to go out and vote!